Are you thinking of furthering your education, acquiring your Masters degree from a reputable oversea university?
Well, think no more. LakesideUnisol here to help. LakesideUnisol is a body formed by consultants specialized in providing information regarding to Academic opportunities outside the country. Our main goal is to make applications for study opportunities in Sweden as painless and as affordable as possible for interested Nigerians and Africans.
But why Sweden?
The Scandinavian countries are the countries providing tuition free education, but Sweden is the best among others.
Apart from being a developed Nation and ranked among the richest countries in terms of per capita ratio, Sweden is a safe and modern country in Northern Europe. It has accrued a spectacular reputation as an innovative and creative force. Sweden is the home of corporate brands like Volvo, IKEA, Ericsson, H & M and Saab. Sweden is the home of the prestigious Nobel Prize (remember Nobel laureate professor WOLE SOYINKA), the world's most prestigious academic distinction.
LakesideUnisol is here to provide you with a very convenient way of actualizing your dream. We are going to help you apply, without having to pay large sums.
To begin, Please Contact Us on:
07038872146, 07031299210
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